The disclosure of any material sent to us, whether for the purposes of a quotation or for production, will be controlled – only for the qualified translator or reviewer, who are bound by a contract of responsibility and confidentiality, such that we can guarantee total secrecy in the handling of the material.
A deadline agreed is a deadline met, except in very special circumstances or situations when we need additional information from the customer who is unavailable for contact, thereby changing our work plan.
Ask for a Quotation Now!
Caution: Send your files for evaluation using the platform: www.wetransfer.com and inform the e-mail: abatextos@abatextos.com.br . Put in the description the email in which you put this form.
Our pricing policy is fair and much better than the competition. Go on, check it out!
We are aware of the product that your internal customer requested of you – translation or revision. Talk to us, we can help you, we have the experience and we strive for quality!